Dashed Magenta curve: trajectory of parcel associated with the CAPE
Beige curve: US Standard Atmosphere
Plcl: Pressure of the Lifting Condensation Level
Tlcl: Temperature of the Lifting Condensation Level
Shox: Showalter indice
Pwat: Precipitable Water
Cape: Convective Available Potential Energy
Area colors code :
Yellow: Area between the (solid) blue curve and the state curve (red). It is an empirical representation of relative humidity. Dryness of the air increases with the yellow area. Overlap of these two curves means saturation, clouds or surface fog.
Red: Area between the reference saturated adiabat Theta'w 10C and the (solid) blue curve when the latter is displaced to the right of the referenced Theta'w. Air temperature gets warmer as the red area increases.
Blue: Area between the reference saturated adiabat Theta'w 10C and the (solid) blue curve when the latter is displaced to the left of the referenced Theta'w. Air temperature gets colder as the blue area increases.
Green: From the superposition of yellow and blue area colors, the green area is an empirical representation of the relative humidity of a cold airmass, which its (solid) blue curve is to the left of the Theta'w 10C.
Created by Christian Pagé, based on ideas from Jean-Jacques Thillet.