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Weather Conditions observed on 2025/02/03 at 13:50 UTC at MONTREAL INTL A, QB (CYUL)
Sky conditions: overcast.
Obstruction(s) to Vision: light snow.
Temperature: -9.0 Celsius.
Dewpoint: -11.0 Celsius.
Relative Humidity: 85%
Winds: Calm at 0 km/h or 0 knots.
Mean Sea level Pressure: 101.75 kilopascals.
Altimeter Setting (QNH): 101.69 kilopascals or 30.03 inches of mercury.
Horizontal visibility: 2.50 statute miles or 4.00 kilometers.
Height of the Ceiling: 305 metres ( 1000 feet ).
Coded METAR:
CYUL 031350Z 00000KT 2 1/2SM -SN OVC010 M09/M11 A3003 RMK ST8 SLP175=